*** Government/Departments pages are under construction***
Yerkes & Michels, CPA .............. 725-3946
127 N Chautauqua
Sunshine Village .......................... 725-3640
123 N Delilah
Blakesly Auctioneer .................... 725-5418
Paul M Buck .................................. 725-5500
202 S Chautauqua
Heath Lampson .................... 316-617-6714
210 W Elm Street
Gary House ................................... 725-3129
119 N Chautauqua
Main Street Auto ......................... 725-5050
128 W Main
Blue Devil Car Wash .................... 725-3653
310 S School
Carter Auto Parts .......................... 725-5607
319 W Main
Blue Devil Supply .................. 620-216-0930
833 State Hwy 99
Floyd's Body Shop ........................ 725-5754
303 S Delilah
Walker Auto Repair ...................... 725-5729
2041 Heritage Road
Bank of Sedan ............................ 725-3181
125 W Main
Elevate Bank ............................... 725-3106
101 W Main
Beauty Salons
JK Primp Corner ........................ 725-5138
Route 1
Michele's Hair Boutique .......... 725-3650
301 S Spruce
Chamber of Commerce
Chamber Office ................. 620-242-1918
124 E Main
Child Care
Neverland Adventures ...... 620-249-4977
307 S School
Blakemore Chiropractic ........... 725-3348
215 E Main
In-Line Chiropractic .................. 725-3005
121 W Main
Assembly of God ......................... 725-3298
621 E Walnut
Church of Christ .......................... 725-3421
219 W Osage
Epiphany Episcopal ..................... 725-3701
302 W Elm
1st Baptist .................................... 725-5399
220 N Chautauqua
1st Christian ................................. 725-3606
204 N Chautauqua
Grace on the Rock ............... 620-803-9000
401 S Chautauqua
7th Day Adventist ....................... 725-3700
2050 Independence Road
St Roberts Catholic ............. 620-647-3577
407 S Montgomery
United Methodist ....................... 725-5182
308 N Chautauqua
Animal Shelter ................... 620-216-0022
921 Hwy 99 (S of 99 Gas.N.Go)
Cemetery Board (Sue Kill) ........ 725-3951
City Hall ...................................... 725-3193
111 E Cherokee
Country Club ............................. 725-3234
1965 Kansas Road
EMS ............................................ 725-5670
120 S Chautauqua
Municipal Court ........................ 725-3193
111 E Cherokee
Municipal Golf Course ............. 725-3312
1965 Kansas Road
Police Department ....... 725-3108 or 911 for emergencies
218 N Montgomery St.
RV Parking .................................. 725-3193
Sedan City Lakes or City Park
Sedan Public Library .................. 725-3405
115 N Chautauqua
Senior Center .............................. 725-3232
124 E Main
Swimming Pool ........................... 725-3151
Sedan City Park
Convenience Stores
99 Gas-N-Go ............................. 725-3332
315 S School
One-Stop .................................... 725-5713
301 W Main
Farm Supply
Sedan Farm Supply .................... 725-3125
420 S Chautauqua
Gift Gallery & Floral ................... 725-3828
145 E Main
Sedan Floral ................................ 725-3111
406 S School
Dickens Family Funeral Home
209 N Douglas ........................ 725-3101
Greenwood Cemetery ............. 725-3664
Floyds' Supermarket .................. 725-3121
108 S Douglas
Hardware & Lumber
Ackarman Hardware ................. 725-3103
160 E Main
Ackarman Lumber ..................... 725-3390
108 N Douglas
Heavy Equipment
G&G Dozer & Equip ............ 620-879-5243
Caney, KS
Home Repairs and Plumbing
Beasley Handyman ..................... 725-5161
Green Country Construction
.............................................. 620-222-5365
Mr. Handyman (Elroy Smith)
...................................................... 725-3010
Shull Construction ............... 785-418-0640
217 E Main
Sedan City Hospital ..................... 725-3115
300 W North Street
Farm Bureau Insurance ............... 725-3191
228 E Main
Acrisure ..................... 620-879-2311
110 S State; Caney
Schenck Insurance LLC ................. 725-3603
118 W Main
Heartland Internet ................ 620-249-0809
219 W Cherokee
Sedan Liquor Store ....................... 725-3222
112 S School
Gentry House ......................... 316-650-6697
416 N Douglas
Grandma's House B&B ................. 725-5278
Whitetail Inn ........................... 620-216-0516
113 S School
Beeson Mfg ..................................... 725-4117
Economy Mfg ................................. 725-3520
831 State Hwy 99
Medical Clinic
Tallgrass Rural Health ................... 725-3818
300 W North Street
Mental Health
4-County Mental Health ............... 725-5677
220 Lee Street
Addictions Treatment ............ 855-489-3619 www.addictiontreatmentdivision.org/drug-alcohol/kansas/
KISA Life Recovery ................. 620-710-5058
865 St Hwy 99 (Addiction Treatment)
Emmett Kelly Museum .................. 725-3470
206 E Main
Historical Society & Genealogy
115 W Main ................................... 725-3408
Prairie Star ....................................... 725-3176
117 N Chautauqua
Nursing Home
Pleasant Valley Manor .................... 725-3153
613 E Elm
Oil Field
Denman Oil Company ................... 725-3727
Jones & Buck Development .......... 725-3636
202 S Chautauqua
Matador Exploration ..................... 725-3366
McCann's Oil Field Supply ............ 725-3610
McCorkle Oil ................................... 725-3924
Outdoors and Sports Supplies
EVO Fitness ............................. 620-216-0275
150 E Main
H&H Hunting .................................. 725-4171
133 E Main
Quivira Boy Scout Ranch .............. 725-3784
Sedan Pharmacy ............................ 725-3262
129 E Main
Real Estate
CQ Hills Abstract & Title ................. 725-5100
109 N Chautauqua
Gear Appliances LLC .................918-883-1506
226 E Main
Jones Realty ..................................... 725-5730
102 E Main
Aunt B's Ice Cream, etc ......... 620-216-0789
110 E Main
Buck's BBQ & RV Park ................... 725-5025
1898 US Hwy 166
Granny Wolfe's Green Door ......... 725-3280
122 W Main
Ida Mae's ................................. 620-710-5070
125 E Main
Subway ........................................... 725-5713 301 W Main
Aunt B's Ice Cream, etc ........... 620-216-0789
110 E Main
Cactus Flower ........................... 620-710-5050
126 E Main
Dollar General ...................................725-3331
600 W Main
OTASCO ..................................... 620-515-0887
Red Buffalo Gift Shop ...................... 725-4022
107 E Main
T-Bar Mercantile ....................... 620-330-2124
115 S School
Thrift & Treasures ............................ 725-3174
103 S School
Sedan Public Schools - USD #286
Cafeteria ....................................... 725-5612
404 Sherman
Elementary ................................... 725-5611
404 Sherman
High School .................................. 725-3186
416 E Elm
Social Services
SKIL .................................................. 725-3990
124 E Main
State of Kansas
KS Dept of Transportation ........... 725-3550
303 S School
4L RV Park & Storage ............ 620-330-1582
Self-Storage (Fugate) ............ 316-722-5670
Gregg Theater ................................ 725-5403
116 S Chautauqua
Myers Trucking ............................... 725-5127
United States
Sedan Post Office .......................... 725-3277
205 W Main
ATMOS .............................. 888-286-6700
Caney Valley Electric ....... 620-758-2262
City of Sedan ........................... 725-3193
111 E Cherokee
Heartland Internet .......... 620-249-0809
PWWSD #20 ............................ 725-3908
RWD #3 .................................... 725-3193
RWD #4 .................................... 725-3013
Smylie's Wireless & TV ........... 725-3776
Twin Caney Watershed .......... 725-3791
Appraiser: Jeremy Hendren ....725-5820
215 N Chautauqua
Attorney: Ruth Ritthaler ........ 725-5876
215 N Chautauqua
County Clerk: Niki Collier ...... 725-5800
215 N Chautauqua
Counselor: Ruth Ritthaler ..... 725-5875
215 N Chautauqua
District Court Clerk ................ 725-5870
215 N Chautauqua
Election Officer ....................... 725-5800
215 N Chautauqua
Extension Office ..................... 725-5890
215 N Chautauqua
General Public Transport ...... 725-3308
215 N Chautauqua
Health/Research Clinic .......... 725-3173
215 N Chautauqua
Home Health/Health Nurse .. 725-5850
215 N Chautauqua
Maintenance ........................... 725-5804
215 N Chautauqua
Noxious Weeds ...................... 725-5863
215 N Chautauqua
Register of Deeds: Laura C Beeson
215 N Chautauqua .............. 725-5820
Road & Bridge ........................ 725-5860
215 N Chautauqua
Sheriff: Richard Newby ........ 725-3108
218 N Montgomery
Shop ........................................ 725-5861
Solid Waste ............................ 725-5840
215 N Chautauqua
Treasurer: Amy Goode ......... 725-5810
215 N Chautauqua
Clubs: Boys and Girls
Boy Scouts/Girl Scouts
Sedan Willing Workers 4H
4H Bldg at Park, 2nd Sun - 3 PM
Clubs: Christian
Women's Sat AM Prayer Coffee - 8:30 AM,
FBC Office, 216 N Chautauqua
Clubs: Senior Citizens
Sedan Senior Citizens - noon
124 E Main; 1st & 3rd Thurs
Covered Dish
Clubs: Service - Adults
CQ Co Historical & Genealogical
115 W Main; 1st Thurs of month
Sedan Chamber of Commerce
124 E Main; 3rd Wed of month; noon
Sedan Area Foundation
FNB Meeting Room; 2nd Wed; 5 PM
Sedan Lions Club
Buck's BBQ; Sept-June on Mon; noon