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CAMPING - Camping is available at Sedan City Lakes for the cost of $10/night. Camping permits can be purchased at Sedan City Hall, 111 E Cherokee, Sedan, Kansas. For information, please call 620-725-3193.
GENERAL INFORMATION - Sedan's city lakes are located on the western edge of the unique Chautauqua Hills region in Southeast Kansas. The area around the lakes is characterized by sandstone covered hills, the tops of which are covered with Blackjack Oak trees. The lakes are surrounded by 600 acres of City-owned and managed property. Outdoors-men will find paved boat ramps, camping hookups, a hiking trail, and great fishing at both lakes. Remember to have a current Kansas State Fishing License if you plan to fish! Both lakes were originally built for flood control, civic water supply, and recreation. Sedan no longer uses either lake as a water supply.
OLD CITY LAKE - This 55 acre lake is located 4 miles north of Sedan on State Hwy 99, then 1/2 mile east. Construction of this lake was completed in 1935 by the Works Progress Administration, Civilian Conservation Corps, and City of Sedan. Their craftsmanship is evident in the native limestone inlaid dam, spillway, shelters, retaining walls, and entrance. A solar powered automatic fish feeder was added in 2001. The Sedan Police Department patrols the lake regularly.
NEW CITY LAKE - This 70 acre lake is located 2 1/2 miles north of Sedan on State Hwy 99, then 1/2 mile east. Construction on the lake was completed in 1964. Amenities at the New City Lake include two paved boat ramps, a wooden pier, vault toilet, and picnic area. A solar powered fish feeder was added in 2009. The Sedan Police Department patrols the lake regularly.