*** Government/Departments pages are under construction***
The City of Sedan's Public Works Department is a combination of water, sewer, and streets. We maintain water and sewer lines, streets, and parks.
We are responsible for the installation, operation and maintenance of the water and sewer mains and lift stations which transport all raw sewage from town to the lagoon. Reading meters monthly for utility billing and re-reading meters if needed.
We help maintain the streets by patching, sweeping, marking crosswalks and parking areas, snow and ice control, replace street signs as needed, and maintain the brush dump. We mow around the park, trails, and lakes.
The State of Kansas requires, by law, that all utility lines be marked before any digging takes place by calling Kansas One-Call at: 1-800-344-7233. The City of Sedan marks water and sewer mains when they receive notification by Kansas One-Call. Any water lines that runs between the meter and the residence or business is considered a private line and will not be marked by the city.
If there is a water leak or sewer backing up, call 620-725-3193. This number is to be used during and after business hours. Once the customer makes contact a public works will come out and check on your lines.
If a customer has a leak on their private line, call public works at 620-725-3193 to report it so arrangements can be made to turn water off at the meter.
The city brush dump is available during regular business hours Monday- Friday 8:00 am to 4:00 pm at no charge. Citizens will have to come to city hall and pick up a brush dump key to unlock the gate. When completed with the brush dump return the key back to city hall.
The city has contracted with Waste Connections for their trash services. Per Ordinance No. 945 all residence with city water must have trash services. For residential it is $19.50 for the first cart and $8.00 for an additional cart. For commercial the cost is $20.00 for the first cart and $10.00 for any additional cart. There are dumpsters available to commercial customers only with fees vary on size of dumpster.
Waste Connections picks up the City of Sedan every Tuesday with exception to holidays. If it lands on a holiday they will pick up the following day.
If your trash was not picked up please contact city hall at 620-725-3193 and we will get a hold of the trash company.